Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Listen, People, Listen...

There are only a few bands that I have on my iPod that I would consider "contemporary rock," and to tell the truth, I don't think even really know what that means. I would describe it as something one might hear on a radio station, except for those that specialize in rock. So if you have any good comparisons to Run Kid Run's style of music, post a comment about it because I'm having trouble. They just came out with their third album recently, but only sampling a few of their songs, I don't have an opinion on it yet. I bought their album "Love At The Core" which was decent - had a lot of catchy songs. Having the most upbeat songs, their first CD, "This Is Who We Are", is my favorite, and I might even purchase it after listening to it again. Pop rock is maybe a good description...nah maybe not. Please help me out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Didn't Want To Wait...

I don't really know why, but when I first started this blog, I was gonna wait to do my favorite band. I just don't know why. Hailing from the big PA, August Burns Red has really made their way up the ranks to be, what I imagine, one of the biggest metalcore/hardcore (I don't even know what these terms mean) bands out there, secular or Christian. Among the other bands in their genre, they have a sound unlike any other. Now, I also imagine that their sound also turns a large amount of people off who just want to flail and jump around like barbarians and hit people (perhaps) unintentionally. But because of this style of theirs, they can, and very much do, offer such a variety of refreshingly different songs. Their lead vocalist, Jake Luhrs, has an awesome Christian testimony that can be found on Youtube. I guess I could post that video too. I don't know who in the band writes their lyrics, but those also have some solid spiritual content as well. All in all, they are quite the wonderful group of musicians. I'm actually gonna post a handful of things, so bear with me. The first one is a music video of theirs, so if you don't watch anything else, that's the one to watch. The second is the testimony, and the third is just a cool video of their cool drummer, Matt Greiner (pronounced Gry-ner).

P.S. - Jake Luhrs also made a ministry website It's actually an awesome site. From what I see, it looks like Jake and other members of the band post on the site about themselves and their faith and there's a blog thing and prayer thing and some other things. Please check it out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Capital Idea...

So I read an article on Wikipedia, oh, maybe one or two months ago, about a band that I really like. The latest update to it was about them making another album. They've only had one, and it was fantastic. Since it was a Wiki article, I had my doubts about it, BUT TODAY...that's when I saw it. Capital Lights just posted on their facebook today about continuing their music shtuff. So I'm guessing it's pretty much official that they will be coming out with a new CD in the next year. The bad news is that the article also said it would be their last one, but let's not think about that part. I literally have never gotten tired of their first album, This Is An Outrage, within the time that I've had it. It came out in 2008, so I've probably had it 3, maybe 4, years. They aren't the most instrumentally talented band (or at least they weren't), but they do know how to make some sweet tunes. They have a kind of aggressive, happy, pop rock sound, if that's possible. Being the lover of happy-sounding music that I am, I am anxiously anticipating the release of any new music from them. In preparation, you must buy their first album AND watch this video. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

For Those About to Dissolve, I Solute You...

Yes, yes, it was bad, but if you know the original line, than this post is for you. I just bought a Mychildren Mybride album off iTunes. Just think fast paced metal, and awesome. The title is "Lost Boy" and it is quite fantastic, at least for those of you who enjoy thrashing headbanger music, which I do. MCMB has a pretty good use of melody on their first album, Unbreakable, but even more so in their sophomore album. The one downside to their second album is that some of their songs sound very similar, but it's only, like, two, AND they sound pretty amazing anywho. They also have a third album coming out March 13th, and I'm super excited about that one. So this one's for those hard rockers.'s bed time. To all a good night.