Friday, February 3, 2012

For Those About to Dissolve, I Solute You...

Yes, yes, it was bad, but if you know the original line, than this post is for you. I just bought a Mychildren Mybride album off iTunes. Just think fast paced metal, and awesome. The title is "Lost Boy" and it is quite fantastic, at least for those of you who enjoy thrashing headbanger music, which I do. MCMB has a pretty good use of melody on their first album, Unbreakable, but even more so in their sophomore album. The one downside to their second album is that some of their songs sound very similar, but it's only, like, two, AND they sound pretty amazing anywho. They also have a third album coming out March 13th, and I'm super excited about that one. So this one's for those hard rockers.'s bed time. To all a good night.


  1. I couldn't understand a word that guy was yelling. I can't believe you have a whole album of this. You should get your money back. One redeeming quality of this video though is that the boy will never find his way back to this song. The amber waves of grain was an artful touch. I think I saw a study once that suggested that yelling at plants especially grains caused them to grow without ears, corn being the only exception.

    1. I find that yelling is a kind of foreign language - after you hear it for a while, you start to understand it.
