Monday, March 12, 2012

It's About Time...For Sleep...

First thing's first: UPDATE TIME

  • Mychildren Mybride comes out with their new, self-titled album tomorrow (I pre-ordered that one, amigos)
  • Capital Lights has their album coming out in June. I think it's the 19th. (I'll be pre-ordering that one too)
  • The O.C. Supertones just released a new song of theirs, but as for any new albums coming out I'm not sure.
  • The band Demon Hunter has got one (album, that is) in the oven as well. I'll prolly post about them later, perhaps when the album arrives.
  • I bought Abandon's Control (Expanded Edition) (which was actually released on my birthday :) and it is awfully pleasant. I give it a 8.5 out of 10. 
  • I think I have found a few more bands to post about, so that's good.
Ok, I think that's good for the time being. This next band is Sleep For Sleepers. I bought their first album a while ago, and I wasn't thrilled about it. Not that it wasn't good, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping. It is a soft rock band of sorts. The vocalist has a soft and floaty voice, for the first album, that is. I just previewed their latest EP on iTunes, and his voice has become a bit stronger, which I think is good. Strong voices are good, just listen to Arron Gillespie in Underoath. The music has also developed some girth; it is not as light and fluffy like it used to be, like a summer breeze, but now there's more gusto, like...maybe a rain storm. Yeah, that sounds about right. Although I have already reached the end of my monthly music budget, I will probably buy their Conditions-EP.

Due to bad sound quality of the song I was gonna show you all, I will not be showing you all that song. Plus, their music videos are pretty lame too. So I hope this one suffices, but if it does not, I urge you to please look it up on iTunes. I urge you, dear readers.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Listen, People, Listen...

There are only a few bands that I have on my iPod that I would consider "contemporary rock," and to tell the truth, I don't think even really know what that means. I would describe it as something one might hear on a radio station, except for those that specialize in rock. So if you have any good comparisons to Run Kid Run's style of music, post a comment about it because I'm having trouble. They just came out with their third album recently, but only sampling a few of their songs, I don't have an opinion on it yet. I bought their album "Love At The Core" which was decent - had a lot of catchy songs. Having the most upbeat songs, their first CD, "This Is Who We Are", is my favorite, and I might even purchase it after listening to it again. Pop rock is maybe a good description...nah maybe not. Please help me out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Didn't Want To Wait...

I don't really know why, but when I first started this blog, I was gonna wait to do my favorite band. I just don't know why. Hailing from the big PA, August Burns Red has really made their way up the ranks to be, what I imagine, one of the biggest metalcore/hardcore (I don't even know what these terms mean) bands out there, secular or Christian. Among the other bands in their genre, they have a sound unlike any other. Now, I also imagine that their sound also turns a large amount of people off who just want to flail and jump around like barbarians and hit people (perhaps) unintentionally. But because of this style of theirs, they can, and very much do, offer such a variety of refreshingly different songs. Their lead vocalist, Jake Luhrs, has an awesome Christian testimony that can be found on Youtube. I guess I could post that video too. I don't know who in the band writes their lyrics, but those also have some solid spiritual content as well. All in all, they are quite the wonderful group of musicians. I'm actually gonna post a handful of things, so bear with me. The first one is a music video of theirs, so if you don't watch anything else, that's the one to watch. The second is the testimony, and the third is just a cool video of their cool drummer, Matt Greiner (pronounced Gry-ner).

P.S. - Jake Luhrs also made a ministry website It's actually an awesome site. From what I see, it looks like Jake and other members of the band post on the site about themselves and their faith and there's a blog thing and prayer thing and some other things. Please check it out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Capital Idea...

So I read an article on Wikipedia, oh, maybe one or two months ago, about a band that I really like. The latest update to it was about them making another album. They've only had one, and it was fantastic. Since it was a Wiki article, I had my doubts about it, BUT TODAY...that's when I saw it. Capital Lights just posted on their facebook today about continuing their music shtuff. So I'm guessing it's pretty much official that they will be coming out with a new CD in the next year. The bad news is that the article also said it would be their last one, but let's not think about that part. I literally have never gotten tired of their first album, This Is An Outrage, within the time that I've had it. It came out in 2008, so I've probably had it 3, maybe 4, years. They aren't the most instrumentally talented band (or at least they weren't), but they do know how to make some sweet tunes. They have a kind of aggressive, happy, pop rock sound, if that's possible. Being the lover of happy-sounding music that I am, I am anxiously anticipating the release of any new music from them. In preparation, you must buy their first album AND watch this video. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

For Those About to Dissolve, I Solute You...

Yes, yes, it was bad, but if you know the original line, than this post is for you. I just bought a Mychildren Mybride album off iTunes. Just think fast paced metal, and awesome. The title is "Lost Boy" and it is quite fantastic, at least for those of you who enjoy thrashing headbanger music, which I do. MCMB has a pretty good use of melody on their first album, Unbreakable, but even more so in their sophomore album. The one downside to their second album is that some of their songs sound very similar, but it's only, like, two, AND they sound pretty amazing anywho. They also have a third album coming out March 13th, and I'm super excited about that one. So this one's for those hard rockers.'s bed time. To all a good night.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Speaking Of The Killers...kinda

I don't know much about this band, but they are closer to home - my home, that is. I think they came out of Bowie, MD, but not 100% sure. They have a folksy sound. Now you may be thinking, "But Him, who cares about folksy?" Also, you may not actually be thinking that, BUT I DIGRESS. Anyway, I think they are actually really good. So, not only am I suggesting you listen to them, but you should also buy their album, Redwoods, on iTunes to support them, because I'm an acquaintance of the guy on the right (in the video) and he's really cool. As far as I know, which may not actually be very much, they do not have any professionally done videos, so this is as good as it gets, I think. PLUS, this song is not actually on their album. Did it used to be? That sounds familiar, but I really don't know. Now introducing Rudder North:

P.S. - You can, and should, visit their website on which you can listen to the album and see what you think.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Another Year, Another $365...

So today's my birthday. Happy Birthday, everyone (whose birthday is today). I'm not going to introduce any new or old bands today, mostly because I'm going to watch Harry Potter in a bit, and I shan't be on later (or I might. Who knows?). I will also be eating spaghetti and red velvet cupcakes and maybe some peanut M&Ms. OK I GOTTA GO, my family beckons me to watch the movie now. I leave you with this:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is It Ok If I Play Old Stuff?...

So I'm having trouble picking bands about which to post. I figure most of the people reading this already know the bands I find because they're the ones I talk to about music. BUT I DIGRESS.

I Am Empire has some songs that have been compared to Guns N' Roses and 30 Seconds To Mars (Alternative Press). I don't really know what other bands with which to compare them (?), they aren't very popular, and they are on Tooth and Nail Records, which must count for something, right? The lead vocalist, Austin Lyons, has an exaggerated style of singing, which makes for a unique kinda sound. His voice gives me a funny picture of him in my head, so I would say others might think him a little silly sounding, but his voice isn't "bad". As for the rest of the music, - OH, now I got it. They have a similar sound to Polarity by The Wedding (if you like them), the music, that is. I might could post later about The Wedding. Now don't go sayin' that I said they were exactly like The Wedding; there are major differences, but I do believe they are similar. They have an upbeat, pop-rock (but not necessarily "happy") sound on a handful of songs, and for the rest, well, I really don't know to describe it. So check them out!

P.S. : What a funny looking singer!

P.P.S. : It's my brother's birthday!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hymn Who Has...

So I listened to a hymn recently. It's called O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing, and it is written by Charles Wesley. Say what! Charles Wesley!? Yes. I hear he's written, like, over 6000 hymns. I heard that from a guy named David Crowder, who also said that this hymn originally had 19 verses. Mr. Crowder writes his own praise and worship music with his band, but it's not like typical P&W. It's pumped up a bit for the most part. He did his own version of the hymn, adding his own chorus but still having I think 4 verses.

This album, Remedy, from what I've heard of it already, sounds really good. It's pretty chill, but he's a really good songwriter. It also has some electronic sounds in the background of a handful of songs, soooo yeah, if you like that kind of thing. I also heard him described as sounding "like a goat," which makes a little sense because if you look at any picture of him, he also looks kinda like a goat as well. Anyway, O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing. All the hymns I know are all pretty simple lyrically, but they mean oh so much.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Maybe I Should Eat Some Breakfast First...

This seems like it might be more difficult than I thought. While there are many many bands out there that are worth mentioning, there are tons that I don't know much about. SO, I could just say "Hey! Here's a band. Watch this video. Listen to this song," which might be fine for all of you (all three of you), but I would think it is more interesting to maybe learn a little something about them. That's the hard part. I know lots about bands I really like, but most of you probably know about the bands I really like because I probly told you about them already. That may not be the case, so I will still eventually report on those bands as well. BUT FIRST...

If you like The Killers (and who doesn't?) then I would suppose that Abandon would also tickle your fancy as well. Abandon's music is a bit more upbeat, especially compared to The Killers' newer stuff. Actually, all of their stuff is probably best compared, when being compared to The Killers, to the Hot Fuss album (2004). Abandon has a little less electronic sound, and even more rock sound, but not too much. And yes, they are a Christian band.

Uhhh, ok. So now that I re-watched this video, I now understand that they are more than similar, BUT TAKE HEART. I believe that it is just this album - their first EP while not being independent (Abandon EP). Their newest album, Control, sounds more like Sanctus Real. I guess it's not too easy being totally original nowadays, especially with all the weird stuff out there. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In The Beginning...

So here's the deal - I like to tell others about cool music that I find. I will do what is in my power to find and reveal musical artists that I find particularly fascinating (and even some that may not be particularly fascinating, but by which others might be particularly fascinated). Also keep in mind that I do not find bands every day, so this probably won't be an every day kind of thing. But who knows?

Ok, this first one will rep my first favorite band - The O.C. Supertones. They're most known for their ska sound, but that was more for their early albums. As time went on, their sound inched more towards a pop rock-ish sound (I guess?) with brass while still staying true to their peculiar style, which I thought sounded better anyway. As for their message, they are quite clearly a Christian band, or at least the lyricist was a Christian. I think it's safe to say that the whole band was focused on getting a Christ centered message across. I say "was" because the band is gone now. They had a good run though. The lead singer, Matt Morginski, went on the form Mojo And The Info, while the lead guitarist went to the hard core/metal band Demon Hunter. Quite a transition, ay? I understand that this is different sort of band with a different sort of style, but if you would, I would suggest listening to their album HiFi Revival. It's my favorite of their albums, because of my description of their later years. Anyway, here's a video from their album Loud and Clear.