Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In The Beginning...

So here's the deal - I like to tell others about cool music that I find. I will do what is in my power to find and reveal musical artists that I find particularly fascinating (and even some that may not be particularly fascinating, but by which others might be particularly fascinated). Also keep in mind that I do not find bands every day, so this probably won't be an every day kind of thing. But who knows?

Ok, this first one will rep my first favorite band - The O.C. Supertones. They're most known for their ska sound, but that was more for their early albums. As time went on, their sound inched more towards a pop rock-ish sound (I guess?) with brass while still staying true to their peculiar style, which I thought sounded better anyway. As for their message, they are quite clearly a Christian band, or at least the lyricist was a Christian. I think it's safe to say that the whole band was focused on getting a Christ centered message across. I say "was" because the band is gone now. They had a good run though. The lead singer, Matt Morginski, went on the form Mojo And The Info, while the lead guitarist went to the hard core/metal band Demon Hunter. Quite a transition, ay? I understand that this is different sort of band with a different sort of style, but if you would, I would suggest listening to their album HiFi Revival. It's my favorite of their albums, because of my description of their later years. Anyway, here's a video from their album Loud and Clear.


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