Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Capital Idea...

So I read an article on Wikipedia, oh, maybe one or two months ago, about a band that I really like. The latest update to it was about them making another album. They've only had one, and it was fantastic. Since it was a Wiki article, I had my doubts about it, BUT TODAY...that's when I saw it. Capital Lights just posted on their facebook today about continuing their music shtuff. So I'm guessing it's pretty much official that they will be coming out with a new CD in the next year. The bad news is that the article also said it would be their last one, but let's not think about that part. I literally have never gotten tired of their first album, This Is An Outrage, within the time that I've had it. It came out in 2008, so I've probably had it 3, maybe 4, years. They aren't the most instrumentally talented band (or at least they weren't), but they do know how to make some sweet tunes. They have a kind of aggressive, happy, pop rock sound, if that's possible. Being the lover of happy-sounding music that I am, I am anxiously anticipating the release of any new music from them. In preparation, you must buy their first album AND watch this video. 

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